Most organization barely realize up to 60% of financial promise of their strategy. Fortune 500 Companies do a lot better. They are able to take this score up to 80%. Where is the rest of the money getting lost? The answer lies in execution losses. Things do not get implemented the way they have been visualized and strategized. This is largely attributed to ignorance or lack of focus in developing the EXECUTION ARCHITECTURE. Like building a castle or a cathedral, strategy is just the blueprint, the real progress and outcome happens when a structured ‘execution architecture’ is in place. Without execution architecture, things will appear in disarray, activities will be adhoc and various functions and departments’ actions will seem to be in conflict or will tend to contradict each other. This will impact the ‘Working Together’ arrangement.

For things to happen in a smooth and well-planned way, organizations need to embed a robust execution architecture in place so that people can keep their ‘date’ with the future. Execution architecture ensures a balance between ‘Long-Term Planning & Strategizing’ and ‘Managing for Short Term’ for operational rigor.

How We Can Help

COSM brings deep understanding and rich experiences in operationalizing strategy and executing strategic initiatives. COSM execution architecture advisory enables clients implement a systematic capability building mechanism, robust initiatives management framework and institute constructive operational reviews to ensure sanctity of timelines and deliverables.

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