In most simple terms, strategy is about Choices, Approach and Roadmap (CAR). But making CHOICES is not easy. At some stage, and in the light of given parameters, every choice looks compelling, thereby making the task of decision-makers, an arduous one. While we may make a choice based on certain parameters, that choice may have a destiny of its own. Getting your strategy right is contingent upon following factors:

  • Do you have the Vision in place to shape the strategy?

  • Is the process of Strategy Formulation inclusive and exhaustive or is it restricted to a core group of people, especially earmarked for this role?

  • Is the process of Strategy Formulation inclusive and exhaustive or is it restricted to a core group of people, especially earmarked for this role?

  • Is there a fair interplay of Hindsight, Insight and Foresight that has gone into strategy creation process?

Articulating an integrated set of choices is getting just one third of the strategy process right. The second important component is APPROACH. Approach elucidates how are we going about comprehending context, appreciating competition, understanding customers, decoding user psyche, establishing deficit, and developing the capabilities. If approach is not outlined, the choices will not make much difference either. Besides, the approach must be understood and embraced by everyone in the organization.

Once the approach is crystal clear, it is imperative to design the ROADMAP that enunciates objectives, goals, milestones, contingencies, and indicative workaround to overcome them. It captures activities that need to be completed within a given time frame with discernible measures. It gives us an idea of upcoming work in one overview. Having a clear roadmap enables people to have meaningful conversations and achieve intended outcomes. It provides the framework for prioritization, allocation of resources, establishing interdependencies, conflicts resolution and most importantly tracking progress.

When it comes to Strategy, it all starts with a Vision. But just having a vision doesn’t help. In this hyper-competitive and disruptive world, one must take a long view of things. In the long term, long-term is the only advantage. This calls for a Moonshot Vision, one that lays down a clear DESTINATION, intended DIRECTION and visualized IMPACT.

Strategy entails EXPLORATION, EXPOITATION and EXPERIMENTATION. We help you in unravelling and decoding 4 critical canvases that could position you at a unique vantage point, both in terms of the understanding of problems as well as the solutions that you can bring to serve, disrupt, and create value. In other words, Strategy is about Innovation, Value, and Impact.

How We Can Help

COSM brings significant expertise and considerable experiences in enabling organizations to create their VISION, formulate their STRATEGY and orchestrate EXECUTION ARCHITECTURE for its robust implementation, across geographies, contexts, and business lines. If you have the aspirations for non-linear growth, we are ready to partner with you in envisioning, formulating, and implementing choices that will serve you well and keep you ahead in the game.

Depicted below is our unique approach of HINDSIGHT – INSIGHT – FORESIGHT that will help you formulate a strategy that is robust, relevant, and remarkable.

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