Developmental Journey

Development of an individual is a multivariate exercise. Development must be scientific as well art-led, comprehensive as well as granular, structured as well as intuitive. For the development to be holistic, four components are critical – Exposure, Experience, Experiments and Education. These 4Es learning loop is not sequential in any particular way. It may start from education, leading to experiments, gaining exposure resulting in some critical experiences or it may start from an experience leading to transformative learnings, thereby broadening our exposure, and inspiring bigger-bolder experiments or any other combinations thereof.

Developmental Mystery

There are a lot of perspectives and strategies around developing people. Different companies approach it differently. Various consulting organizations, leading people development institutions, and Ivy League B-Schools do have a point of view on how to develop people. What is fundamentally common among all, is the approach to developing people. What is the missing piece, is the ability to identify and integrate three key elements of a development journey in harmony. These are:-

Development of Leaders

COSM’s approach to developing people is rooted in three cardinal disciplines.

COSM brings thorough understanding of how a thriving culture gets created or destroyed, and what it takes for an insipid culture to creep in the DNA of an organization and pervade through its arteries and veins. We bring deep expertise and vast experience in enabling organizations understand, articulate, envision or reframe its culture that fits with the context but retains its timeless essence for excellence, growth, and success. When it comes to culture, COSM can partner with you in:-

Mindset is the start point of development journey. It is like preparing the clay for appropriate moulding. Without the right mindset, all the changes will be topical as well as superficial. Once the mindset is in place, the skillset acquisition and absorption become easy. The outcome of a developmental journey is rooted in aspirational behavioural changes at the workplace because behaviours are responsible for the performance and in turn for the results.

COSM Developmental Framework

While each developmental journey is personalized, individualized and customized within the context of an organizational framework, COSM has mastered the art of designing developmental journeys through its unique five stage process.

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